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(b} carrying out any conduct which may be detrimental to Plant Canada as
i. The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists, who shall be a Class A Voting
ii. Canadian Botanical Association who shall be a Class B Voting Member;
iii. Canadian Phytopathological Society who shall be a Class C Voting
iv. Canadian Weed Science Society who shall be a Class D Voting
v. Canadian Society of Agronomy, who shall be a Class E Voting Member;
vi. Canadian Society for Horticultural Science, who shall be a Class F
Voting Member.
5.03 Associate Members shall be such organizations or Societies whose purpose is
the pursuit of plant science and related disciplines in Canada who have been
admitted as Associate Members by a majority of the Board of Directors.
5.04 Save and except as hereinafter provided, each Associate Member shall be
entitled to appoint a single representative (the "Associate Representative") to
attend meetings of the Board of Directors. The Associate Representative shall
be entitled to participate at such meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote.
The Board shall have the right to give notice to an Associate Representative
that such Representative is not to attend a specific meeting. The Board can
also require an Associate Representative to leave any meeting while it is in
5.05 No Class G to Class L Memberships shall be issued to any Society without all
of the ten existing Voting Class Members first approving the admission of such
Memberships by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote in favour of same.
6.01 A Membership cannot be transferred by a Member to another organization or
society. Pursuant to Section 197(1) (Fundamental Change) of the Act, a
special Resolution of the Members is required to make any amendment to
add, change or delete this Section of the by-laws.
7.01 The Board, shall have authority to suspend or expel any Member or Associate
Member from the Corporation for any one or more of the following grounds:
(a) violating any provision of the Articles, By-laws, or written policies of
Plant Canada;