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11.09 Quorum at Members' Meetings - A quorum at any Meeting of the Members
(unless a greater number of Members are required to be present by the Act)
shall be a majority of the Members represented at the Members Meeting by
Delegates entitled to vote at the meeting. If a quorum is present at the
opening of a Meeting of Members, the Members present may proceed with
the business of the Members Meeting even if a quorum is not present
throughout the meeting. For purposes of clarification, if there are six Voting
Class Members, a quorum shall require not less than four Members be in
attendance as represented by not less than one Delegate for each of such
11.10 Chair - The President of the Board (or in the President's absence a designate
appointed by the Board by Resolution) shall act as Chair of all Meetings of
11.11 Majority Vote - At all Meetings of Members, every motion shall be determined
by Resolution, being a simple majority vote of those Delegates voting who are
present, unless otherwise provided for by the Act or elsewhere in the General
Operating By-law. In the event of a tie vote, the Chair, in addition to his or her '
original vote, shall have a second or casting vote if in the Chair's sole
discretion, the Chair decides to exercise such casting vote.
11.12 Voting Procedure - Every motion submitted to any Meeting of Members shall
be decided by a show of hands, or an oral confirmation that the Member is
either in favour of or opposed to the motion except where a ballot is requested
as stated below. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair of the Meeting
of Members, either by a show of hand or by ballot, as applicable, has the
discretion to exercise a casting vote. At any Meeting of Members unless a
ballot is provided, a declaration by the Chair that a motion has been carried or
carried unanimously or by a particular majority or lost or not carried by a
particular majority shall be conclusive evidence of the fact. A secret ballot
may be held upon the request of any Delegate and shall be taken in such
manner as the Chair directs. The result of a secret ballot shall be deemed to
be the decision of the Meeting of Members at which the secret ballot was
held. A request for a secret ballot may be withdrawn.
11.13 Voting Rights and Proxies - All votes at any Meeting of Members may only be
cast personally. No proxy voting by Delegates will be permitted.
11.14 Adjournment - The Chair may with the consent of the Meeting of Members
adjourn the same from time to time to a fixed time and place and no notice of
such adjournment need be given to the Members. Any business may be
brought before or dealt with at any adjourned Meeting of Members which
might have been brought before or dealt with at the original Meeting of
Members in accordance with the notice calling the same.