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Plant Adaptation to Environmental Change | |
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| | | Guidelines
for Poster Presentation
poster panel can display 2 posters on each side. Your poster can
be designed either in portrait (long axis is vertical) or
landscape (long axis is horizontal) mode and the maximum usable
space for one poster is 104 cm (45 inches) x 104 cm (45 inches).
Suggested poster dimensions are 91cm wide x 104 cm tall (36
inches x 45 inches) in portrait, or 104 cm wide x 91cm tall (45
inches x 36 inches) in landscape.
Reserve a 10 cm
x 10 cm space in the
top left corner of your poster for a number to identify you in
the program.
the materials (pins, Velcro) required to affix posters will be
provided on-site.
Please prepare your
poster by grouping the Title, Authors’ names and Affiliations at
the top of your poster. Include a brief «Introduction» stating
your research objectives and/or hypotheses, a «Materials and
Methods» section, a «Results and Discussion» section, and a
«Conclusion» section.
The text in your poster must be kept
brief and to the point.
A concise poster has a better chance of being read and, for
eligible students, to be selected among the best presentations.
Please restrict yourself to one or two
conclusions highlighting the main findings of your work.
Remember that you will be present at your poster, at a
predetermined time, to provide attendees with more details.
| Joint meeting of the CSHS, CSA, CSPP, CWSS, CPS and CBA | |